2018年10月15日 星期一


一路以來我試過軌跡球和手寫板,各有各的特色和優點,最近知道有垂直式滑鼠,剛好我也覺得辦公室的桌子上一堆線很煩,就訂了一把Perixx PERIMICE-713N 無線人體工學垂直滑鼠。
由於這次的體驗不錯,我又再買了一把PERIMICE 719給我太太,它是給手比較小的人使用,按鍵按起來也省力,而且是靜音按鍵,不會吵到別人,但可能為了讓按鍵省力,所以按鍵回彈比較感覺不到,剛開始用要習慣一下。

Be an office worker , I have to hold my mouse and type on my keyboard all day. One day, it seems something wrong with my wrist, and I'm quite worry about having CTS(Carpal tunnel syndrome).
I searched and tried some alternatives, such as Logitech Marble (I still have to twist my muscle, and I don't like the button layout), Pen Power EzGo writing pad (it's a great product for Chinese user, however it's too slow....it's not the alternative for mouse XD). Finally I found Perixx, their Perimice series is quite suit my need. I choose Perimice713N for its wireless feature(u can't tell the difference among the various models, I only notice the number starts with 5 are wireless), and its performance is very good. Hold the mouse seems like shaking  hands to eliminate the unnecessary muscle twisting. I like it, so I bought 719 for my wife.
By the way, don't forget to take break each 25 minutes to let your wrists rest .

