再點選Manage Your Kindle,就會進到Your Kindle Library(如下圖),在View的地方選擇"Personal Documents",就會看到所有你用自動推送的部落格文章或者是從網頁推過來的文件,右上角可以看到亞馬遜給你的5GB,你已用了多少。
當然我們可以一個一個的按下後面的Action按鈕,然後選Delete from library,再按下確定刪除,不過如果數量一多...著實有點累人。
在網路上搜尋了一下,果然很多用戶都想問:「亞馬遜!你為什麼不提供大量刪除功能? 」,因此我找到以下這個網站Your Kindle Library - Check and Delete,站主寫了一個Javascript,可以大量刪除文件~
接著回到亞馬遜網站,進到Your Kindle Library,在瀏覽器選單找到這個書籤,按下它之後就會看到項目前出現勾選框,勾選後按下最下面的Bulk Delete按鈕即可一次刪除所有勾選項目。
Before you start using this bookmarklet, you should understand why including a third party javascript to your Amazon page is risky. This is in fact true about all bookmarklets that link to some other server and download javascript from it. My bookmarklet does it as well as MDKI mentioned below. The linked code will have the same permissions that you have yourself. It can "click" links and do stuff in your Amazon account. You really have to trust the script author that he's not going to do anything bad. Verifying the code is a good thing to do but will not save your bacon for ever. The author can change the script at any time and you won't be able to tell. Or a hacker can break into the script hosting website and add malicious code without the script author having a clue. That's why I link myk-check-delete.js from googlecode.com. I hope that Google's server will be more difficult to hack :-)